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Clean rental bikes quickly and easily

A bike wash system not only cleans bikes quickly and easily, it is also extremely environmentally friendly and saves resources.

Bike wash stations with individual branding

Whether advertising or hotel logo: the possibilities for individualization are manifold, increase the recognition value and ensure stronger customer loyalty.

The plus in service for vacation guests

A bike wash is a special service that guests are happy to use and leaves a positive impression on them.

Sustainable thanks to low water consumption

The system uses only 2.5 liters of water per wash cycle. Our cleaning agent is environmentally friendly and can be safely disposed of in the sewer.

The sustainable alternative for hotels, guesthouses and vacation resorts.

Hotels, guesthouses and vacation resorts that provide bikes for hire are familiar with the problem: the rental bikes come back dirty and have to be cleaned, which takes a lot of time. The necessary staff are not always available or are busy with other tasks. However, cleaning the bikes is a must – after all, no dirty bikes should be handed out to guests. A bike wash not only cleans the bikes quickly and easily, it is also extremely environmentally friendly and saves resources.

Definitely the right solution for you & your business

Guests who bring their own bikes also benefit from a bike wash on site. On long bike tours and especially when bikers are caught out by bad weather, dirt gets stuck in even the smallest crevices of the bike. However, removing stubborn dirt from the spokes, gears and pedals is time-consuming.

A bike wash facility is therefore a special service that is popular with guests and leaves them with a positive impression. It also ensures that the facility’s washing bays are not used for bike cleaning.

On-site bike cleaning: practical service for cyclists
Bike wash: the perfect service for cyclists in vacation accommodation

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